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  3. Creating a statutory meeting and sending out Reports
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  3. Creating a statutory meeting and sending out Reports
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  3. Creating a statutory meeting and sending out Reports

Creating a statutory meeting and sending out Reports

The best way is to create a “closed activity”. A detailed how-to can be found here.

Create a regular meeting

  1. Activate the admin-mode
  2. Select “activities” (left menu)
  3. Click “add activity” (right side)
  4. Select “closed activity”
  5. Fill out the form
    1. Name: e. g. “Regular meeting”
    2. Activity type: statutory meeting
    3. Location (activate “reusable/existing location” if needed) (see also here [link to article])
    4. Date of the meeting
    5. Start and end of the registration phase
  6. Select “next”
  7. Sharing options: only in my club (depending on the activity)
  8. Invite: select your target group
  9. Select “next”
  10. Select a reminder pattern: default (creation of a customized pattern: see here [link to article])
  11. Finish

Sending out a protocol

  1. Create the protocol and save it as pdf-file (Important Naming: “Clubnumber_Date_TA-Protocol_Nr.pdf”; eg. RT999_20180325_TA-Protocol_752.pdf)
  2. Activate the admin-mode
  3. Select “reports” from the left-hand menu
  4. Select “add report” on the right-hand side
  5. Select the event/activity
  6. Select file(s)
  7. Send report

Everybody who has been invited to the selected event will receive the report/protocol

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Updated on 5. avril 2021

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