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Payment function Mollie

In TABLER.WORLD there is now the possibility to integrate an automatic payment function under Advanced.

However, there are a few basic things to consider:

    1. Read these instructions carefully, money is at stake and the registration must be carried out carefully.
    2. For Mollie registration it is a requirement to be on a register. This means you can only register if you are a registered association or have registered another legal form for an event. For this, an excerpt from the commercial register or register of associations must be uploaded. If this does not happen, all transactions will be reversed with costs.
    3. By registering with Mollie you enter into a contract with a third party provider. This is independent of Round Table. 
    4. Economically responsible is the chairperson of your trade or of your Förderverein e.V. Whether you specify the « Table Bank Account » as the payment recipient or the account of the Foundation is up to you, but you should be careful not to mix the accounts in order to avoid conflicts with the tax office. Also, the name of the account should be Round Table xy or identical to the business. Mollie checks the account data, a private account registered to a person is not allowed. (Belgian financial law applies to Mollie)
    5. Peepl, the operator of TABLER.WORLD, collects 0.9% of the amount for each transaction, max 5€. In addition, Mollie collects fees for each transaction in the form of % and/or fixed amounts (e.g. credit card 0.25€ + 1.8% of the sum. So if you pay 100€ by credit card, you are left with approx. 97€ after Peepl and Mollie)You can find a detailed list of the fees here: https://www.mollie.com/de/pricing/

How it works:

Setting up Mollie:

  1. Go to https://www.mollie.com/ and create an account there. You will need a current extract from the register of associations and a copy of the identity card of the financially responsible person. In the register of associations, the chairperson is entered as the responsible person. The same applies to the extract from the commercial register. (Registration as an unregistered association is not possible, we have clarified this with Mollie).
  2. Switch on the payment functions you wish to use. For most people, credit card and PayPal will probably suffice.
  3. If you want to pay by bank transfer via Mollie (not recommended due to fees 0,9% for Peepl and 0,25€ for Mollie), please note that the money will go to Mollie first and Mollie will transfer the rest to you after deducting the fees. If you do not activate this function, your normal bank details will still be shown on the invoice. (When RT debits your table account, it will still use the bank details you entered in TW. To change these bank details you must then deactivate the transfer function of Mollie or deactivate Mollie completely for a short time in TABLER.WORLD)

Turn Mollie on in TABLER.WORLD

    1. Select Advanced Settings via the admin.
    2. Select Licence at the very bottom and « Add Billing Information« .
    3. witch back to the normal Admin menu and select Advanced Integration at the bottom.
    4. Right click on « Connect Mollie » and enter the access data for the Mollie account.
    5. After about 1 hour, Mollie is available with all the payment functions already activated by Mollie. (Experience value: PayPal went within 1h . Credit card 1 day until activation, bank transfer 2 days).

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Updated on 16. mars 2021

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