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Managing user groups and functions


Roundtable.world is built on groups and functions. These control who for example has login rights and who has administrative rights and at what time. Here we will try to explain how to manage the users groups or functions and also how to manage groups and functions in general, that is create or change local functions/groups.

To maintain the users functions there are two methods that you can use. One that you can use to change multiple users at once or change a number of users with fewer clicks. The other is by opening each user profile and make the changes.

Tip! Be sure to have set the statutory years. It will make this much easier because if you are setting board functions it will give you the dates.

*Please note that functions have to be set on the proper level. Club functions on club level, area functions on area level, national functions on national level.*

For mass, multiple or fast changes

Go to the CRM > Contacts page and select the checkbox next to the user. A list of actions will be available. We suggest before using the functions to look at the profile of the club, area, association in the Directory.

  • Add position. Allows you to add a function to the user. On the window that shows afterwards you can choose a function and define the start and end date
  • Withdraw function. Allows you to delete a set function. Please be aware, if the user(s) have more then one entry of the same function set in their profile it will remove all entries. So be aware of this
  • Stop function. It will allow you select a function and set the end date of that function. Of course he needs to have the function already set. Please be aware, if the user(s) have more then one entry of the same function set in their profile it will change the date of all entries. So be aware of this

One by one using the user profile

Open the user profile of the user and look at the Groups & function box (pictured in a red box). The + icon in the header is to create a new entry. By each entry there is then a pen and a bin icon.

To add a function select the + icon and in the window that opens select the function and select the statutory year from the drop-down list next to it. If you need to change the start or end date feel free to change the dates as you whish. Start date is needed but you can leave the end date empty if the function does not have a fixed end date.

The same window will show if you click the pen icon by the entries allowing you to change the entry. You can change the function or the dates, no limits to this.

Creating and managing new functions and groups

It’s possible to create new local groups & functions. To do this you need to have administrative rights and from the admin menu navigate to Settings. Once on the settings page go to CRM > Groups and functions.

If you want to create a new function click on the new function + button. In the window write the name of the new function. The new function is added last on the list.

  • To edit the function’s name click the pen icon
  • Arrow icon(s) changes the order of the functions
  • Merge icon allows you to combine two functions into one. Useful if you need to rename or change a function but need to keep the history.
  • Plus sign/link sign (with text #. gr) shows which groups it is linked to

To make the new function useful and assignable to users it needs to be linked to a group. The group will give it certain rights like if it provides rights to login to the platform. To create a new group click on the new group + button. The options you can choose are:

  • Name of the new group
  • Subgroup of the group. Can only be assigned to custom groups, not the default groups
  • Permissions. If it’s set to user the person can login but if it’s set to contact he can’t. Please note that if the user has another active function that has login rights it will still allow him to logon
  • Secret group. Hidden from regular users but displayed for managers/admins

Once the group has been created you have the options to edit (pen), move up/down (arrows), delete (bin), add subgroup (plus). Also a smaller plus sign or link icon with the #. gr. text (same on each default groups) which is to link functions to the group.

In the window that opens you can select the funciton and click link. if you need to remove a previously linked function you can click on the bin icon to delete the combination. You can link default functions (for example president to name one) also to any group.

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Updated on 2. mai 2020

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