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  3. How to create and modify a photo album?

How to create and modify a photo album?

How to create a photo album?

By default, the Board and the function DataManager can create and change photo albums.

  1. Switch to admin-mode
  2. Select “new” (upper right corner) and choose “photo album”
  3. Add a title and a description for the new album
  4. Add all groups who should be able to view this album (more than one group can be selected)
  5. If needed, you can select “Link to an activity” and connect the album to an existing activity
  6. Next
  7. Now you can upload pictures either via drag and drop or by clicking on the little cloud icon.
  8. Save

How to modify an existing photo album?

  1. Switch to admin-mode
  2. Select “photos” in the left-hand menu
  3. Now you see an overview of all albums and their respective publishing status
  4. By clicking the “Actions” button, you can select “manage” to change settings of the album (such as title, description, visibility publishing status and photos).
    It is also possible to download the whole album or delete it (IMPORTANT: deletion of an album cannot be made undone!)

If you want to modify the publishing status of more than one album, you can use the check-boxes and the action from the drop-down box.

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Updated on 19. avril 2021

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