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La plupart d’entre nous ont un ou plusieurs abonnements (factures récurrentes), qu’il s’agisse d’un journal ou d’un magazine, de logiciels comme iCloud ou de services de streaming comme Netflix. Avec un abonnement, vous payez le même montant chaque mois ou chaque année.

Vous pouvez également créer des abonnements dans .world, par exemple, pour facturer automatiquement à vos membres des frais d’adhésion. Dans cet article, nous expliquons comment ajouter un abonnement (factures récurrentes).

Liste des abonnements

TODO AT – In the menu, choose Manage > Finances > Membership Account > Subscriptions

You now see the list of all subscriptions. Then click on the button « Add subscription » in the right menu.

Adding a subscription

Adding a subscription is very similar to adding a cost statement or an invoice, with the difference that besides the content (lines with price, description, etc.) you can also set specific parameters concerning the automatic renewal.

Under « General » you indicate which contacts or organisations should be billed repeatedly. If you have several account numbers, you can set the right one.

Under « Subscription » you will find the following parameters:

  • Frequency: yearly or monthly
  • Start date: when will the first expense report or invoice be generated?
  • End date: when will the subscription end? If the renewal date is after the end date, the subscription will no longer generate any expense notes or invoices.
  • Send e-mail: do you want to notify recipients by e-mail when their subscription is renewed?
  • Require administrator approval?
    • With this setting, you can require that each renewal needs approval from at least one administrator. You can also specify the number of days in advance that approval can be granted.

Note: if approval is not given in time, the subscription will not renew. The next renewal, however, will require approval again.

At ‘Content‘ you add what needs to be charged. You can add several lines here to split costs.

View subscription

Through the list of subscriptions you can view the detail page of a subscription. Here you can find the general details of the subscription, as well as the date for the next renewal.


At the bottom of the detail page you can find a history. It keeps track of when a subscription is added and changed, but also who approves when or if there was no approval at the time of renewal.

Finally, the references of the cost notes and invoices generated by the subscription with a direct link are also logged.

Subscription approval

If an approval is required according to the confirmation, one can manually approve the renewal with the button in the right menu:

Subscriptions that can be approved will also be marked with a symbol in the list:

Delete subscription

A subscription does not necessarily have to be deleted. You can also set an end date to not generate any more expense reports or invoices.

Do you want to remove the subscription anyway? You can do so from the details page, via the « Delete » button in the right menu

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Updated on 27. octobre 2021

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