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Accepting Online Payments With Mollie

Peepl the platform developed by Mockup BVBA which is the contracted developer for TABLER.WORLD has developed an integration with Mollie (which is a payment method) to allow your members, sponsors and contacts to pay their debit notes online. In this article, we will refer to Peepl as handler for the payments.

To activate this integration, you will need a verified Mollie account.

1. Create a Mollie account

To receive online payments, the first step is to create a Mollie account.

After creating an account, you will need to go through a number of steps such as verifying your business identity and your bank account to receive settlements.

For more information on the settlement process, please check this article (on Peepl’s blog)

Attention: A key condition to create a Mollie account is that the business must be registered in the trade register of the country of establishment, e.g. as a registered non-profit.

2. Enter billing details

For each successful online payment you will pay an application fee to Peepl and a transaction fee to Mollie. The fees for Mollie depend on the used payment method and can be found here.

At the end of each month with at least one transaction, Peepl will automatically generate an invoice for the application fees of that month. It is therefore important that your billing details are correct.

Update your details via Admin > Settings > License. For customers with an active license, these details will be automatically synced from/to our invoicing software.

3. Activate integration

To activate the integration, please follow these steps:

  1. Go to Admin > Integrations.
  2. Select Mollie
  3. Select Connect via Mollie.
  4. Accept the conditions and application fees.

If all goes well, you can now see the active payment methods. You can enable/disable payment methods in your Mollie website profile and they will be instantly updated in Peepl.

Peepl will use your first website profile by default. If you have multiple website profiles and Peepl selects the wrong one, please contact Support.

4. Receive online payments

4.1 Pay debit notes online

As soon as the integration is active, contacts can pay their debit notes online on the detail page. On the right, a list of payment methods will be shown. With one click, the user will be redirected to the external payment flow.

When the payment is completed, the user will be redirected to Peepl. In the meantime, the status will be updated to let to the user know the payment is completed.

If the payment is cancelled or expired, Peepl will automatically generate a new payment link for the next try.

Example: payment instructions on the debit note detail page

Example: status after payment

4.2 Organising a sale with forced online payment

Every order in a sale activity will create a debit note that can be paid (online or offline). You can also enforce that orders must be paid online.

If you require online payment, orders will be valid for 15 minutes. Only after a successful payment, a debit note will be created and the order is final. Otherwise, the order will be deleted automatically.

4.3 Enabling forced online payment

You can configure this when adding or editing an activity:

4.4 Check-out flow for orders

When contacts check-out their order, they will go through a different flow. First they will receive a confirmation pop-up. After confirmation they will choose a payment method.

After a successful payment, they will get a payment confirmation email and a debit note will be created & marked as paid.

5. Settlements (payouts)

You can configure when Mollie pays out to your bank account.

More info: https://help.mollie.com/hc/en-us/articles/115000010065


  • If you enable the payment method „bank transfer“ in Mollie, Peepl will automatically hide all references to your own bank accounts. Peepl will show the bank account and structured references from Mollie instead and Mollie will process the payments.
  • In very rare cases, it is possible that contacts pay an order that was cancelled during the payment process. The payment will be logged in Mollie but the order will be deleted on Peepl. Please contact Support if this happens.
  • Some of the payment methods Mollie offers like „bank transfer“ are not available when forcing online payment in a sale activity, because they take much longer than 15min to be confirmed.
  • Some payment methods are not supported for one-time payments, e.g. SEPA Direct Debit (incasso) is only available for recurring payments.

Source is Peepl Blog.

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Updated on 5. Mai 2020

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